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07 Nov 2020
Political systems
Qualities to be a good govt leader
I consider the important qualities to be a good government leader are:
* Honest
* Humble
* Sane
This means to be truthful. It also means to be honest in money matters, i.e. do not collect bribes or make decisions that are not in the best interest of the people.
Some leaders distort the truth to win the support of the people. They are misleading the people. This is not being honest.
A good leader should be humble. He (or she) should realize that other people may have useful insight and knowledge that he does not have. He should be willing to consult and listen to people, before making the final decision.
A bad leader is arrogant. He thinks that he is smart and is able to make the right decision without listening to other views.
A humble leader is also willing to acknowledge mistakes and to learn from the mistakes.
A good leader should make sane and rational decisions. He should not decide based on prejudice or dogma. He should be willing to look at the evidence (i.e. what is actually happening), rather than stick to wrong "principles" and "practices" that have been carried out earlier under a different set of circumstances.
A rational decision is also based on what is in the best interests of all parties. It is not a perfect decision, and may even be proven to be wrong by subsequent events.
A rational approach means the willingness to change based on new evidence.
If a country has leaders that are honest, humble and sane, the country will make progress.
Even if mistakes are made, they can be corrected quickly and changed according to the experience.
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Tan Kin Lian
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