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21 Jan 2023
A new approach for SPH Media Trust
1. The government is setting aside $180 million a year over 5 years to fund SPH Media Trust. The aim is to provide Singaporeans with news from our perspective.
2. It is important that the perspective should be based on the interest of Singapore. It should not be slanted to promote the interest of the ruling party.
3. Our local news media rely on news feed from international agencies, such as Reuters, Associated Press, etc. We should not over-rely on the news feed from the western nations. We also take news feed from other Asian sources, such as Global News, CGTN, SCMP, Nikkei, Jakarta Post, New Straits Times. The aim is to have a balance of our news sources.
4. In reproducing the news feed, the journalist and editor of SPH should carry out this important task:
a) Remove bias or distortion from the original news feed
b) Add perspective from an alternative source to give it a balance.
c) Ensure that the final article, as rewritten, carries a perspective that supports Singapore's interest.
5. With the use of the internet, it is quite easy to access news from many sources, and to present them in a balanced way to reflect a constructive and positive perspective.
6. SPH should also make use of ex journalists from Singapore. They worked in our Singapore media in the past and have accumulated considerable experience in writing and critical analysis. They form a useful resource.
7. SPH should also make it easy for readers to give their opinion. These views can be edited for accuracy, clarity and usefulness. This can be easily managed on the online platform.
8.The above suggestion also apply to another state funded media, namely Channel NewsAsia.
Tan Kin Lian
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