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02 Oct 2020  (640 Views) 
Movement for change

Fake degrees used by foreign workers
I read often the complaints from locals that the foreigners used fake degrees to get good paying jobs in Singapore. 

They were disillusioned that their efforts made in getting a good degree from a local, highly rated university, did not help them to get these good jobs. The criticized the system that allows fake degrees to be accepted for jobs in Singapore. 

I empathized with the anger of the locals. 

However, I like to caution them against being arrogant. Let me explain this point.

* Do not be arrogant that you have a better degree than the "fake degree" of the foreigner.

* The "good degree" is of no use, if it cannot be reflected in job performance. Many graduates could not apply what they learn in the university in the real work environment. The "good degree" is no better than the "fake degree".

* Good performance in a job depends on attitude, communication, common sense and other non-academic skills. The foreigner with a "fake degree" may have these skills that make them more suitable for the job than a local with a "good degree".

My suggestion to the local graduate is - understand what the employer needs and be ready to give your best contribution to the employer. Do not put your personal interest ahead of your employer. Your employer has to run a business in a difficult environment. You have to help the employer, rather than be a hindrance.

If the local worker has the right attitude and the right approach, he (or she) is likely to be better than a foreign worker any time.

Tan Kin Lian


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