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21 Aug 2020  (207 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Time to open the border to travelers from low risk countries

Straits Times:
Out of 83k arrivals from June 18 to Aug 6, 152 had the virus |

TKL comment - 2 per 1000 had the virus. But there are others who are asymptomatic.

If they wear the mask in crowded places, it should not spread the virus. Even if it does, it only spreads to some people.

My conclusion is - there is no need to close the border. We can open now from countries with low infection rate. This applies to most country.

By continuing to close the order or continuing the circuit breaker, we will surely and slowly kill the economy and the tens of thousand livelihoods.

Even the reserves can run out very quickly.

Vote - should we open the border to travelers from low risk countries?

Tan Kin Lian

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