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22 Sep 2024  (4131 Views) 
Tan Kin Lian - Perspectives

General election 2024/5
The general election in Singapore will happen soon, perhaps as early as December 2024.

I urge all voters to vote unconditionally for a non PAP candidate.

I use the word - unconditionally. It does not matter who are the actual candidates in your constituency and what their qualifications are.
Even if everyone who reads my message follows my urging, the PAP will still win the general election.|

I hope that the PAP will see a drop in their overall share of votes, and lose a few more seats in Parliament.

This is the only way to get the PAP to change their policies and reduce the cost of living, reduce the cost of housing, reduce taxes, spend the public funds prudently, reduce immigration and give priority to citizens for well paying jobs.

After Singapore has a parliament with a stronger opposition that holds over one third of the seats, the voters can be more discerning in future general elections and vote for better quality candidates.

This is my personal opinion. I may be wrong.

Tan Kin Lian

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