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31 Aug 2024  (3662 Views) 
Tan Kin Lian - Perspectives

Income plans to remove MHS insurance scheme
1. Question from policyholder:

I would like to seek your advice on NTUC Income MHS scheme which was introduced when you were CEO of Income.

When we purchased the policy, we were told the coverage was till 80 years old.  But recently we received a letter from Income informing that they are discontinuing MHS.  Can they do that? Isn't it a breach of their promise to cover policy holders till 80 years old?

My family and I have been loyal policy holders of MHS since its inception and are very disappointed with Income's move of abandoning us. Can Income just terminate MHS leaving us without coverage?

2. Reply from TKL

I understand that MHS did not have a sufficient scale, and is not efficient for Income and the participating doctors to continue the scheme. It is also not efficient or cost effective for the policyholders. 

Income has the right to discontinue the scheme, as there is no legal guarantee that it would be offered up to age 80. 

A cost effective solution is for you to see a GP for outpatient treatment (and enjoy the subsidy under the CHAS, Pioneer or Merdeka schemes) and to be insured under Medishield Life for the hospital treatment. This should work for most people, and probably for your family as well.

Tan Kin Lian 

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