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13 Aug 2024  (2528 Views) 
Tan Kin Lian - Perspectives

The harm of social media
The UK prime minister Kier Starmer had problems with the social media. It was used by some malicious parties to spread false news and instigate protests and riots. 

There are other people, perhaps the majority, who protested out of good intention, but they should express their views through other channels and not street protests. 

The harm of social media appears in other places as well, and also in Singapore. 

I have personally seen the effect of malicious persons who are out to spread hate, falsehoods and malice. They appear to enjoy their malicious activities. They think that it is their "freedom of speech". 

I support efforts by the authorities to control "free speech" through the social media. 

In my view, the first step is to ensure that all messages are sent out by identified people, and not by people hiding under fake or anonymous accounts. I hold this view, even though many people may not agree with me. 

If a person wants to express a view, he should be identified.  This identify should be verified, for example using SingPass, and he should only be allowed to use one account/profile on any platform. 

The next step is a system of censure for intentionally spreading falsehood or hate, and that includes harrassing other people. We have read of cases where people committed suicide due to continuous bullying or racism. 

People who worship "freedom of speech" are probably naive. I hope that they realize the harm that "freedom of speech" is causing society. 

Tan Kin Lian

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