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12 Aug 2024  (1763 Views) 
Tan Kin Lian - Perspectives

How to handle the riots in the UK
Someone asked me - How would you (TKL) deal with the protests in the UK, if you were the prime minister.

My reply is - learn from China.

Many people are not aware that the people of China had engaged in many protests, some of a large scale. The protests were about being cheated on investment products, or not being paid for their work in large companies.

How did the Chinese government deal with these protests?

They sent people to listen to the protestors and record their grievances. The government promised the protestors that these grievances would be addressed. The protestors accepted the promises and the protests died down.

The western media distorted the reports on the events and exaggerated the grievances. In some cases, the protests were being funded by foreign powers to cause problems for the Chinese government.

When the protestors went too far and engage in riots, the government has to use force to stop the riots and violence. It is the duty of the government to restore law and order.
The dishonest western media will smear the Chinese government for their actions and said that they were oppressive.

The UK had to deal with the protests in a similar manner - by listening to the protestors and eventually to restore law and order.

Tan Kin Lian

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