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25 Feb 2024  (3825 Views) 
Tan Kin Lian - Perspectives

Governance of Singapore
The system of parliamentary democracy adopted in Singapore from 1965 to 1988 (prior to the introduction of the GRC) was quite good. It detiorated after 1988 due to several changes to the consitution made afterwards. 

For the governance system in Singapore to work well in the future, I suggest the following changes:
a) Return to single member consitutencies
b) Make MPs work full time and avoid other jobs to avoid conflict of interest
c) Avoid changing election boundaries based on past voting patterns (ie gerrymandering).
d) Allow parliament to appoint ministers from outside parliament who are most competent for the job. (This is the system adopted in America).
e) Allow parliament to appoin the president, instead of an elected president.

I do not claim that my suggested system is perfect, but I think it is better than the current system that have existed in Singapore for the past three decades.

Tan Kin Lian

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