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03 Dec 2021  (88 Views) 
Singapore Sports Council

Allow children to be added to both parents' ActiveSG accounts

I recently signed up for an ActiveSG account, which lets people book sports facilities and activities.

After I added my two young children to my account, I learnt that my husband cannot add them to his account.

I am told that we can add only one child to each parent's account or both children to one account.

So now my husband cannot take the children to the swimming pool.

I checked with several ActiveSG staff to see what can be done.

Their answers were all to the effect that I should give my password to my husband so that he can log in to my account, so the children can enter the premises.

They were apologetic when I said this seems to be a rather ineffective way. They also mentioned that they have raised this issue before.

Surely the answer to such a problem should be to let people add all their children to their account, rather than sharing passwords for log-in purposes.

I hope the ActiveSG app can be made user-friendly for people with young children.

Shirleen Loy Xue Qian


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