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22 Oct 2021  (140 Views) 
Land Transport Authority

Be more cautious in welcoming new businesses
I refer to the report "Police probe finds no evidence of wrongdoing by oBike" (Sept 7).

Like others, I remain baffled by the authorities' response on oBike.

As the authority entrusted with regulating bike-sharing, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) did not seem to have any effective plan in place to keep the players in check. It calibrated its policies only when things went awry.

Instead of issuing a blanket statement that oBike committed no crime, perhaps this is a good opportunity for the Singapore Police Force and the Attorney-General's Chambers to educate the public on some issues.

For instance, what are the pitfalls when dealing with a company that collects deposits in this way? What can one do in the event of the company's sudden closure?

I hope the Government can take a more holistic and comprehensive approach in welcoming new businesses and regulating them.

The world is evolving faster than we think. Bike-sharing will not be the last disruption we see here. If Singapore is not ready, don't do it.

Henry Ong Ling Tiong


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