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08 Jun 2021  (87 Views) 
Singapore Sports Council

Wearing of masks on golf course too restrictive
The Singapore Golf Association has to rethink its advisory to Singapore golf clubs on safe management measures during the current Covid-19 phase two (heightened alert).

Most golfers find the mandatory wearing of masks throughout the 18-hole game overly safe, most inconvenient and uncomfortable.

Imagine pulling a golf trolley over a distance of at least 6km, over undulating terrain, under the sun, in the allocated 4 ½ hours, and not expected to pause or rest to keep up the pace.

In a twin-sharing buggy, there is a divider provided, and social distancing of at least 2m has to be kept on the fairway. In a flight of two groups, those in different buggies have to be at least 3m apart. Other measures, including non-sharing of golf clubs, leaving the flagsticks in the holes and the disuse of bunker rakes, are in place to reduce the number of touch-points.

I hope to see a change of restrictions that are logical and sensible, to bring back the fun in golf which is already challenging, both physically and mentally.

Kevin Ho Kun Kok


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