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08 Oct 2020  (149 Views) 
Government Technology Agency

GovTech's move a big help to those in need

I laud the Government Technology Agency's (GovTech) initiative to license the software for its Spoton smart thermal scanner to non-profit organisation Extra.Ordinary People. The software allows the smart thermal scanner to conduct mass temperature screening.

GovTech will provide the Spoton software for free, with training and technical support. Extra.Ordinary People has committed to train special needs individuals and also those from lower-income groups to assemble the thermal scanners.

In the Covid-19-battered economy, many charities have suffered a drop in donations from the public, and some have even ceased operations.

GovTech's kind gesture will enable Extra.Ordinary People to earn some income for its operations and beneficiaries.

I hope to see more of such initiatives by the government sector to assist in inculcating self-reliance in charity organisations and their beneficiaries.

Supplying the tools for charities to stay operational and earn some income would alleviate the financial stress due to their funding shortage.

The underprivileged would also be able to seek meaningful employment and earn a decent income for themselves. A truly win-win situation for all.

Foo Sing Kheng


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