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24 Jul 2020  (703 Views) 
Economy after the pandemic

How to revive the tourism industry
I share with you an old army joke. The officer led a platoon. They arrived at a river. They had a long pole that could be thrown across the river, but they do not have any lifting equipment for the job. 

How did the platoon commander solve the problem? He said - sergeant, get the men to bring the pole across the river! 

That's right. This is how the army solve the problem. Just give the order to someone lower down to do it.

Minister Chan, who is in charge of trade and industry, adopted  a similar solution to revive the ravaged tourism industry.

He told the private sector - You have to innovate and transform your business to cope with the new business climate!

Well, minister Chan was Chief of Army in his previous career. He has brought the SAF skills into the government. 

Problem solved. Well done. 

Hello, TKL is being sarcastic. Geddit?

Tan Kin Lian


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